Wednesday, February 22, 2012

S.A.F.S. MK.III Raptor WIP 3

now continue with the coloring part.

the base color is acrylic red brown mix with little black.
then spray a thick layer of hairspray on it and sprinkled some salts.
looks like a yummy drumstick XD

after spray the color. try to free hand to draw camo, but failed..
noticed the white bubbles.. maybe the salt reacted with the acrylic paints..

wash away the salt with waster

after washed with enamel paints. the color started to change....

dabbed some orange color on the edge to make it looks real rust.

dabbed with lead powder ( get from pencil tip)

chipped some paints away to make it looks worn out

now the kit itself is done. the next is the stage for it.

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